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Archive | Anti_aging


10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer Disease – Part 2

Taking off where we left off.. there are many warning signs, if your loved one suffers from Alzheimer’s Disease. Here are some practical ways to help you pick up Alzheimer’s diseases in your loved ones, early, because the earlier you spot it, the more easy it is to treat. With a simple MMSE test that physicians carry out in […]

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Top 13 Anti-Aging Items, Essential for your Youth!

Aging is something all women shudder to think about. It is characterized by wrinkles, lack of energy, libido, memory loss, declined physical capacity, mental and logical sharpness, and worse still, it might herald the incoming of diseases like cardiac problems, diabetes, blood pressure, or arthritis. Visits to the hair salon that used to be sporadic […]

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Alzheimer’s disease – Part 1

Why do we age? No one knows, what causes the human clock to wind down. Scientists have long been probing into the mechanisms behind how organisms in petri dishes age and die. These actually hold the clue to what’s going on in the human being. Our own life sustaining mechanisms that are intricate and interlocking, […]

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Health in the Bedroom.. L’amour!

A couple of months ago, one of my friends who is a medical doctor specialising in anti-aging, passed me some samples for the bed room. Only because she happens to be one of the leading doctors in her field of expertise, did I agree to take the little tube she passed me, although somewhat reluctantly. […]

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7 Foods that Can Keep you Looking Young

Have you ever wondered why your face looks older when you are down and depressed or stressed, but it immediately looks 10 years younger when you are happy and on holiday? Well, we cannot always have the ideal life, and many of us juggle our careers, kids and what have you. The good news is […]

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