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Why I suck at Zumba

Why I suck at Zumba.. but still do it!

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The reasons why I suck at Zumba, are many. But they can be narrowed down to these basic three. 

1. I can’t do that hot Latina booty-shaking thing!

But I am SURE it’s fun for people to watch me try 😛 Zumba requires a lot of moving and shaking of the hips and the instructor clearly has sexy limbs that can wobble and shimmy to the beat, all the while looking attractive.  I’m convinced their joints aren’t even human, and must be machine.

2. I can’t remember the steps

Zumba is not for the weak hearted, the fat nor those who are slow to remember choreography. It’s rigorous and insanely hectic, and I’m usually ready to throw in the towel by the 3rd track. But I don’t. I stay for more pain. We all stay for more pain. No pain no gain!

3. I don’t really like the music

Give me electronic music anytime . Minimal techno I understand. “Single Ladies” by Beyonce, mambo, salsa .. er no thanks. And like Latin gangsta-rap (is that even legal?) is the worst. I don’t really care to do the Conga either.


BUT.. i do it! I do the Zumba because it’s changes things up and challenges me! It’s definitely my achilles heel but I will conquer and I will survive! And I will bloody well shake my booty perfect latina style if it kills me!



4 Responses to Why I suck at Zumba

  1. Nate @ House of Annie October 1, 2012 at 3:20 am #

    Zumba is really challenging but it’s fun at the same time.

    • ciki October 2, 2012 at 9:38 am #

      I totally agree! For clumsy ppl like me.. it’s really rather good!

  2. suechienlee May 22, 2013 at 10:03 am #


    I’d suck at zumba too. Tried salsa way back and the guy said I had no rhythm. Then the instructor went to him and said: you’re not leading well, mate!

    There’s hope ;0)

    • ciki May 22, 2013 at 10:59 am #

      there’s HOPE! aye! LOL

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