Today we look at why it is important for runners to stay loose. The next most important thing, to training the right way, and having the right shoes, is stretching. Doing your pre and post- run stretches are the most important thing that will prevent you from getting injuries. When stretching you need to stretch […]
Tag Archives | running
How to Choose Running Shoes
Stumbled upon this cool infographic on how to choose your running shoes, at
5 Reasons Why Women over 40 should Run
I feel like I was born to run. Running makes everything good. Stress goes, pain disappears and fatigue vanishes. I tell people, if you feel tired, Run. If you feel depressed, Run. If you feel out of sorts, Run. Run on the asphalt, run on grass, run on the beach, run in the gym.. no […]
A Running Playlist
What’s your preferred running playlist? The music you listen to when you are pumping iron, or running long distance is rather subjective. I personally love hard rock and electronic music. It makes me feeling like pounding it and I can really feel the burn after even a mere 10 minutes at the machines. Here is a list […]
10 Tips on How I Avoid Running Injuries
I do love running! It gives me such a sense of freedom and I get really high after the run. Blame it on the endorphines. Well, running does come with some setbacks too, especially if you get injured. Here are my tips on how not to get injured and to maximised your efficiency on the […]
We’re Training for the Yangon Marathon
Training for a Marathon is something I look forward to. I like the way I start to feel my body, my heart and legs grow stronger as the day approaches. There are ups and downs and no two training days are the same, but I really thrive on it! My appetite grows and so does […]
How to run faster for longer by increasing your Lactate Threshold
How to run faster for longer by increasing your Lactate Threshold.. Ever heard of the expression “hitting a wall” that marathon runners use? It’s the point where you can run no more, even if the mind is willing the body has had enough. Your legs feel like lead and they just won’t move. This is […]
Kick Start your Metabolism with Interval Training
Have you ever worked out till your heart wanted to burst out of your chest? Or are you the sort that likes to cruise along, at just a steady pace? Well, the part where your heart is about to burst out of your chest.. that they like to call, interval training. Interval training is when […]
Running Barefoot – Less Injuries?
I just read the book, “Born to Run” and felt inspired to blog about running, the hazards of running with or without shoes, and the implications for runners all over the world. “Isolated by Mexico’s deadly Copper Canyons, the blissful Tarahumara Indians have honed the ability to run hundreds of miles without rest or injury. […]
How to Start Running
Running is too hard! I’ve heard so many people say that. But still, they want to try to do it as a form of exercise, and so they ask me how on earth can they make it easier. Where do they start? You should ease into your running program gradually. The idea is to transform […]