I’ve never been a great believer in collagen drinks nor all the skin fads out there that come and go.
For me, maintaining healthy skin is all about, being diligent about a couple of things. Drinking lots of water a day, eating loads of vegetables and fruits, eating less deep-fried food or junk food, and also observing the 3 step, cleanse, wash and tone, with a reputable skin product.
All these have helped to keep my skin looking good all this while.
However, recently, since I have been traveling a lot, I noticed that my skin looks a little tired. Definitely not as nice as it used to be. So, when InnerShine RubyCollagen Essence offered to give me a 6 week trial pack of their collagen drink, I decided why not? We all can do will a little help sometime right – no harm;)
Well, initially, I didn’t notice much, but by week 4 – 6, I could see some terrific results.
The Astaxanthin component in the product is an easily absorbed micro-collagen, and probably contributed most to the results. Dewy looking skin, closed pores and just a nice luminous glow about it. Actually, my hubby noticed before I did:) He was like asking me why my skin looked more supple and radiant!
Astaxanthin protects the skin with a natural shield against the free radicals while supporting microcirculation to effectively deliver nutrients to the skin cells. It is a good antioxidant and ranks way up there with Vitamin E, CoQ10, as well as Vitamin C.
Yay, I guess it worked out well – will definitely keep taking InnerShine RubyCollagen Essence especially since my travel schedule is so hectic. We all need a little help sometime!
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