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Excited about the London Olympics 2012 and Adidas ‘Take the Stage’

I don’t know about you, but every four years, our family gets all excited about the “big games” and depending on which country is hosting, our sleeping patterns all go to whack. But that is part and parcel of the fun surrounding, The Olympics. We used to love collecting Olympics memorabilia too.

Anyway, the Opening Ceremony is the parade of participating nations to the Olympics, and the entrance of the Olympic Flame, which ignites the Cauldron and signals the start of the Games. All eyes will be on London for the Opening Ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games. The Ceremony will provide an opportunity for the world to view the artistic expression of the Artistic Director (Danny Boyle) and his team, as they bring to life, the culture of UK. If you are going to be in London, here’s a good book to have with you –Time Out 2012 Things to Do in London (Time Out Guides) and also Olympic Cities: City Agendas, Planning, and the World’s Games, 1896 – 2016 (includes information on Rio De Janerio, the next Olympics held in 2016).

Team Great Britain, dressed by Adidas

The name of the Olympic Opening Ceremony show will be ‘Isles of Wonder’ and the worldwide broadcast will commence at 9pm. The Ceremony will kick off with the sound of the largest harmonically tuned bell in Europe, produced by the Whitechapel Foundry, and the Stadium will be transformed into the British countryside for opening scene ‘Green and Pleasant’, which includes real farmyard animals! Oh lord.. that should be fun! LOL

The Olympic Games are the most televised sporting event in the world with over 5,000 hours of live coverage and broadcast in around 200 countries. London will host 21,000 media and broadcasters for the Olympic Games, as well as 800,000 spectators and 55,000 athletes/officials/media/sponsors on the busiest day of Olympic competition. According to historical data, the Athens games in 2004 were watched by 3.9 billion people and the Sydney games in 2000 by 3.6 billion. The 2008 Beijing Olympics drew an estimated global television audience of 4.7 billion over the 17 days of competition. The 2012 Games are forecast to attract global television audiences of around 4 billion viewers!

As official partner, Adidas takes centre-stage at the London 2012 Olympics. The German brand is the official sportswear partner of the London Olympic Games. As such, it will dress the 70,000 Olympic volunteers and create clothing for the athletes to wear in the Olympic Village. The German sports goods maker expects to earn $ 150 million thanks to the Olympic deals alone and has invested $200 million in the 2012 Olympic Games.

Anyway my favourite event is track and field, and Team GB’s athletes will step out in a dark indigo blue kit, inspired by the union flag, with red shoes, when they compete at the 2012 London Olympics. Check out the costumes – they look like super heros!

Leading designer Stella McCartney, who collaborated with Adidas, said it combined style with performance. She was at the Tower of London launch where athletes modelling the technical kit said it had the “wow” factor. But some people have criticized the outfits as “too blue” and looking more Scottish than British! What do you think? Too Scottish or no?

I kinda like it!

Anyway, good luck to all participating in the London Olympics 2012. We cannot wait to be wow-ed!


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