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11 Great Fitness Apps to Try Out this year

There is an app for everything these days.. and fitness apps are now all the rage.

What is your favourite fitness app and what do you use? Here is a list we have compiled from what we like, and what our friends and family members like to use..

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Here are 11 great fitness apps to try out this year : 

1. Instant Heart Rate

This is great if you’re trying to measure the fitness of your heart. Post exercise, or anytime during the day for that matter. Just click the measure icon, cover your camera lens with your finger, and the app will track the rate of your heartbeat. You can keep a log of your heart rate, and see if recovery shortens with time, especially after an intense workout. The faster your heartbeat slows back to normal, the healthier you are.

2. GoodFoodNearYou

This is great if you are always on the go. Once you arrive at your destination, turn on this app to get a list of healthy food options near your location. It lists restaurants, supermarkets etc. It also lists food by calories and content. Once you decide on a location, use the GPS powered map to guide you to your destination!

3. NutritionTips

Each tip is written on a cute looking post-it pad. Just shake or swipe for the next tip. It’s food trivia and will have all your friend marveling at how many interesting nutrition fact you know about food.. you will be a walking health dictionary!

4. iTreadmill

No time to run outdoors? This app helps keep track of your steps on the treadmill in the gym. When you stop it stops. You don’t need to have the phone on you, just in your pocket or on the treadmill will do. It’s great for keeping track of your workout indoors.

5. Pocket Yoga

This is great for Yoga buffs, from beginners to experts. They phone app will strike a yoga pose, and you just need to follow it. The difficulty level gets harder too. There is also a pose dictionary for if there is any doubt from just following the pictures generated.

6. Zombies, Run!

You are running from zombies, and the only way to make you strong is to collect equipment. If you slow down, the zombies with catch you, so you better run faster! There are 23 missions to play, and there is also a 20k mission challenge, so if you’re lazy and need a good scare to keep you motivated, try this!

7. Google Now

For those who are obsessed with figures, you will love this one. This app keeps track of exactly how many miles you have walked all day. If that’s not neurotic fitness, I don’t know what is;)

8. Nike Training Club

This app has a big database filled with bodyweight exercise routines. You can select different workouts based on sculpting, toning, strength or quick workouts. You can also sync your own music to the workout, as only you know what rocks your boat!

9. Runkeeper

Everything you need to know about your run and performance during a run. Distance, pace, etc.. Perfect for perfecting and honing your running skills.

10. FitRadio

If you get bored of your music easily, try this app – it streams a playlists based on different genres, and different professional DJ mixes to change up your current music. Not all of the music is great, but you can save and playback later, the ones you liked.

11. MyFitnessPal

Those who are nuts about counting calories, will love this one. With this app you can track your food intake daily, set up caloric goals and factor in exercise to give an accurate readout of your overall performance. Setting up a system is relatively easy, and it rewards you for staying on track by offering badges and challenges to loyal users! Very cute.. give yourself a pat on the back!




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