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Working out at Technogym, Emilia Romagna Italy

So, second week in Emilia Romagna Italy, and I am exploring all sorts of new and cool things to do in terms of fitness. Apart from running my way around Bologna and Reggio Emilia, an invite arrived, to work out at a state of the art gym, just an hour from Bologna.

I am of course talking about, world famous Technogym, manufacturer of fitness equipment based in Cesena, Emilia Romagna.


Of course I couldn’t possibly give up the opportunity to work out at this state of the art facility and so a day trip brought me out to their swanky headquarters, one sunny summer’s day in July. 


The first thing that I noticed, was how the healthier lifestyle mantra is really evident in the philosophy of this company, and practiced even in the meeting rooms. To help make the time people spend sitting down active, they devised a Wellness Ball, in place of a chair, which is a dynamic chair that allows you to exercise when you are at work, at home, or anywhere. A very cool concept really and it was super comfortable.. I want one of these! The ball improves posture, strengthens the core and increases balance.


1983, the Prototype – Hack Squat, Technogym’s first machine.. what a long way they’ve come! Well before getting to work out in the gym, we were given the grand tour of the establishment where we discovered some interesting things about their gym equipment. 


Walking around the premises with one of their staff, we saw a bit about the company’s exciting history and also about their latest developments, and where they are heading in the near future. In 1985 Technogym launched its first complete strength training line, and in 1986 it presented Unica, a home trainer.


Then, in 1990, the company added its first cardiovascular training line. In 2000 it launched the Selection line and in 2002 it launched Excite, the first cardiovascular training line with an integrated TV screen.


In 2000 Technogym was nominated official supplier for athletic training equipment at the Olympic Games in Sydney. Since then the company has been an official supplier for numerous other Olympic Games, including Athens 2004, Turin 2006, Beijing 2008 and London 2012.


Kineses – Kinesis represents a return to the origins of human movement, as it helps the user rediscover basic motor skills: resistance, balance, strength and flexibility. In July 2014 Technogym partnered with industrial designer Antonio Citterio to create a sleek line of home gym equipment. The Kinesis Personal Vision line integrates tablets that run a program called VISIOWEB that runs on an Android platform.


The Technogym Village has been developed as a hotbed of ideas, where innovation, information and scientific research can be shared. It is the world’s first Wellness Campus and acts as a global reference point for the sector and for the promotion of the Wellness Lifestyle.


This is where innovation comes to life each and every day, inspired by the building’s natural light, shapes and materials, principally glass, wood and steel, according to eco-sustainable principles to create an excellent working environment.


As for me, once I got started.. it was hard to stop. I just had too much fun working out in this top notch facility. Surrounded by the latest equipment, it was a fitness junkies paradise.


In fact, quite a number of the employees of Technogym workout during lunch time and it is so inspiring to see them go at it, during their lunch break. Well, wouldn’t you work out too, if you had all these cool equipment at your disposal? Even classes and etc, are a very compelling reason to adopt a healthier lifestyle.


cool classes to attend, if working out alone is not your thing.. the more the merrier!


Functional training is the name of the game… More and more people are using functional training, and some argue it’s the only way to train. 


According to the functional training experts, functional training uses bands, balls, free-weights, andplyometric exercises in an attempt to condition the body in an un-stable environment. These days, more and more fitness junkies feel that performing exercises that mimic activities or specific skills is the most effective way to train, regardless of ones goal.Untitled

Instability forces the mind and core to activate, to maintain balance.. this is much more effective than zoning out, when you perform exercises on a flat and stable floor.


Reminders on living a healthier lifestyle..Untitled

take the stairs of course.. so why build elevators? 😛


The canteen that’s almost free ( the staff pay a ridiculously low fee of 1 euro plus for lunch) is another amazing benefit of working at Technogym.

UntitledIt makes me want to work here too! The food is incredibly clean -raw, organic and sustainability are key in the ingredients that land on the table. I was incredibly impressed, and after my intense workout, I could not wait to tuck in.


Awesome fibre rich, barley instead of refined carbs for lunch..  Untitled

Proteins and Veggies… less refined sugars or artificial flavouring in food can work wonders for the mind and body – less sluggish after lunch = better performance at work! 


Going raw has never been easier! Untitled

What a great afternoon out, working out atTechnogym inEmilia Romagna, Italy.. I hope I get to visit here again sometime soon, as once was not definitely not enough! Feeling 100% inspired to maintain a healthier lifestyle from the inside out as well, after this cool, eye-opening experience during my trip to Italy!   

Some cool tips on Functional Training can be found in this community – Wekinesis – be inspired by the videos

There’s also a Technogym App (available both on Google Play and Itunes) and to start collecting MOVEs for a social cause. This 15 minutes video explains how to join the challenge.


Follow us on Instagram for Inspiration and Short workout tips that are FUN and EASY to do!  Instagram : @cikipedia

My trip to Emilia Romagna is part of the #Blogville campaign, a collaboration between the Emilia Romagna Region Tourist Board and iAmbassador. As always, Cikipedia maintains full editorial control over the blog.

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