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Tag Archives | christmas

7 Ways To Avoid A Hangover this Festive Season

Wow. Where did the year go? As we hurtle into Christmas week with tons of singing, drinking and merry making, here’s 10 way to avoid having a Holiday Hangover! 1.Eat A Solid Meal – before you head out and party, make sure you line your stomach with protein rich food. The amino acid, cysteine, contained in […]

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10 Great Fitness Gifts for Christmas

Here’s a great tip for the Holiday Season.. 10 Great Fitness Gifts for Christmas! Wondering what you get your loved one for Chirstmas? How about a fitness tool that comes wrapped up nicely in a box, so that you guys can both hit the new year running… Here are 10 great ideas for Fitness Gifts […]

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How to Get in Shape before Christmas

Christmas is just round the corner, and with it , eating, drinking and merry making. After that, New Years Eve celebrations will see even more eating, drinking and merry making.. yikes! So, how do you get in shape before the intense partying gets into full swing?   Here’s How: 1. Stop snacking on Junk Food Clear […]

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