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Shake It like you mean It – the Maca Banana Shake!

Protein shakes are crucial for muscle recovery.

And when you add the super powder, Maca to it, you have a recipe for super-charged nutrition that’s yummy too. Although it’s part of the broccoli, radish, and watercress family and even looks like a very robust radish, Maca has an earthy taste with a nutty flavor, making it a perfect complement to smoothies.


I love this Maca, Banana, Honey shake or smoothie, that you can make easily yourself at home. Remember the time you drink this is crucial.. no later than a half hour after your workout as that’s when your muscles repair and the uptake of protein is at its optimum.

Maca, Banana, Honey, Smoothie (Vegan, Gluten-Free, lactose-free)

Ingredients include:
1 1/2 cup homemade almond milk
1 cup raw organic rainforest honey
1 tablespoon organic Hemp Oil
1 tablespoon organic maca powder
1 organic banana

Add ice cubes, blend well, serve chilled.


Health Benefits of Maca

Just one tablespoon in your smoothie once or twice a day can do amazing things. Here are just a few of the things you can expect maca in your smoothie to help with:

Energy: Most people feel their mood and energy level lift almost instantly. Users report their energy, stamina and endurance.

Sex Drive: Maca has been shown to increase not only the male sex drive, but the production of sperm as well.

Fertility: Maca increases fertility in both men and women.

Migraines: If you suffer from migraine headaches you might want to try maca. Because most migraines are related to an imbalance in hormone levels, or fluctuating hormone levels, maca works by leveling out those levels. Maca doesn’t create any hormones in the body – it just helps the body produce them more consistently and effectively. It helps balance the body’s production of estrogen and progesterone. Maca also helps restore balance to the hypothalamus and pituitary glands – the body’s master gland system.

Memory: Maca enhances memory as well as our ability to learn and process mentally. It makes us more alert and aware.

Wounds: Maca speeds wound healing and benefits the circulatory system as well.

Vitamin packed: Maca includes 55 phyto-chemicals, including vitamins B1, B2, B12, and Vitamin C, zinc. It has amino acids, calcium and phosphorus as well.

Immune Booster: Maca’s 22 fatty acids function both as a fungicide and as a local antiseptic. These actions, along with the natural Vitamin C and zinc are believed to help aid in overall immunity enhancement.

Stress: For people with adrenal stress from work, disease, exercise or PTSD, maca can reduce the effects of cortisol on the adrenal glands and other organs so impacted by a “Type A”, high pressure lifestyle or job. Athletes, executives and anyone with an active life will appreciate how maca helps address the destructive actions of mental, emotional and physical stress on the body. Maca can help lower high blood pressure and how the body burns and utilizes food.

Thyroid: The Thyroid gland controls the rate at which the body produces energy from nutrients. Maca contains an alkaloid extract which activates the body’s natural calcitonine hormones, which regulate the metabolism of calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) in the blood. The hormone is secreted by the thyroid and the parathyroid. It acts in the intestines, bones, and kidneys to increase the (Ca2+) in the plasma. It also aids in wound healing through blood clotting.

Pancreas: Maca also boosts the work your pancreas does in keeping your blood sugar levels even. The pancreas is a vital part of the digestive process. If the duct from the pancreas become blocked for some reason the digestive fluids of the pancreas may digest the pancreas itself, or lead to pancreatitis, or pancreatic cancer.

Thymus: Your thymus is the organ responsible for the health of your immune system. It produces the T-cells that fight off infection and disease, especially important if you are getting treatment for HIV, AIDS or cancer. Maca contains vitamin C as well as trace elements of zinc. Researchers found out years ago that C and zinc, when taken together, help boost the immune system function of the thymus gland. Part of maca’s adaptogenic value may be its ability to enhance the thymus’ cell mediated immunity.

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