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How to make homemade Yogurt

Here’s one way to make homemade Yogurt. Saves money and u can feed the entire family!
This one makes 2 liters at a time and once a week.



2 liters whole milk (can use raw milk, organic milk, or regular milk…but never pasteurized)

1/4 cup Plain Whole-Milk store-bought Yogurt, use a good quality brand that contains Live Cultures.
Note: After you make your first batch, save some of your homemade yogurt to make the next batch.

– Pan, big enough to heat milk in
– Spoon, to stir milk (always use a non-metal spoon)
– Glass Jars, with lids (big enough to hold the amount of yogurt you are making)
– Insulated Cooler or smallish box, to hold your jar of yogurt
– Kitchen Towels or a Small Blanket (to wrap your jar of yogurt in)
– Kitchen Thermometer, to measure the temp of the heated milk

Rinse inside of pan with cold water, dump out, but do not dry pan (this helps keep the milk from scorching and sticking to the bottom of pan).
Pour milk into pan and warm over medium heat, stirring frequently. Allow the milk to come to 82°C. Hold at 82°C for 30 seconds to 1 minute, while constantly stirring.
Remove pan from heat and allow to cool to 48°C, stir every so often to help the milk cool faster. (If a skin/film forms on the surface, simply spoon it off and discard.)
Meanwhile, measure out your yogurt starter culture, allow it to come to room temperature while the milk cools.

Once the milk has reached 48°C, not any higher, slowly whisk in the yogurt culture into the cooled milk. Make sure it is thoroughly combined.
Pour this mixture into your glass jars and cap. Do this all quickly, you want the milk to be at 43°-46°C when you put it in the cooler. (Do not re-heat the milk once the culture is added.)
Place filled-capped jars inside insulated cooler or box. Wrap jars with kitchen towels. Allow to culture, undisturbed for 12-hours, or more, up to 24 hours.
When yogurt’s done culturing, remove jars from cooler and transfer to fridge to chill. Yogurt will thicken a little more in the fridge. Wait until well-chilled before serving or your yogurt will break-down and separate easily.
NOTE: Be sure to always set aside and save enough of the plain homemade yogurt to use for your next batch.

Good luck.. enjoy!

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