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Friday Funday Green Smoothie

Happy Friday all!

Here’s a great Green smoothie to kick start your weekend!


Use the following:

Kale (a great source of iron and other amazing nutrients)

Chia Seeds  (omega 3 from a plant source)

Cranberries (antioxidants)

Coriander (just because it smells good!)

Bananas (for sweetness & potassium)

Strawberries (for sweetness & Vit C)

Watercress ( has phytonutrients like isothiocyanates and antioxidants with a plethora of disease-preventive properties)

Coconut Water (good alternative to dairy)

Protein Powder (optional – you many want to add this if it is a post workout smoothie, but consume within 1/2 hour of finishing your workout)

Add ICE.


Add all this to your blender and cream till smooth.. 

That’s it.. and you have just started your morning with a power packed smoothie. The rest of the weekend is yours!


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