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Archive | Anti_aging

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Enzymes & the Immune System

Enzymes are essential for your digestive and metabolic system. In general, your body contains over 3000 enzymes that help with cellular function and keep your immune system up. A body deficient in enzyme is highly susceptible to free radical attacks that may lead to cellular damage, organ dysfunction, a weakened immunity, indigestion and slow metabolism. […]

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5 Benefits of Grape Seed Oil

So what’s the most healthy oil that you have in your kitchen? I think most folks would say, Olive oil. Thanks to its healthy fats i.e. monounsaturated fats and antioxidant vitamin E, olive oil is prized for its protective properties on the heart, but lately, olive oil has gotten some steep competition in the nutrition […]

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The truth about Borage Oil

Borage (Borago officinalis) is a plant with blue, star-shaped flowers originated from Europe and North Africa. While the oils derived from flaxseeds, fish and borage all contain essential fatty acids that are necessary for proper health, you might decide to take one, over the other, depending on what your body needs. Since fish oils and […]

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How to Shop for Supplements

The most important question to ask is.. “Why do I need this supplement?” and “Is it suitable for me?” Think about what you normally eat (your preferred diet) and what it may be lacking. Remember, the word supplement means just that, a product meant to supplement your food. A well chosen supplement can be beneficial […]

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Champagne the new Red Wine!

We all know the health benefits of red wine. A glass has been proved to ward all evil away and keep heart disease at bay. Red wine’s resveratrol and polyphenols and natural body chemicals are all the components associated with heart health. The full bodied wines tastes great with red meat and the medium bodied […]

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10 tips on how to Reduce Stretch Marks

The dreaded stretch marks.. Well, it is true that stretch marks, and if you have them or not, is dependent hugely on genetics. I have friends who have stretch marks just from that spurt of growth at puberty, and I have friends who don’t have a single stretch mark, even after pregnancy. It’s all in […]

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How to Get in Shape before Christmas

Christmas is just round the corner, and with it , eating, drinking and merry making. After that, New Years Eve celebrations will see even more eating, drinking and merry making.. yikes! So, how do you get in shape before the intense partying gets into full swing?   Here’s How: 1. Stop snacking on Junk Food Clear […]

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