My latest addiction in the gym, is something called Smashwave. This workout builds core and strength with cardio and agility thrown in. Unrelenting circuits of Rowing, Battle rope, TRX, Medicine ball, Jumpbox, Clean & Press, the dreaded Burpees and push ups, done back to back in explosive sets. It starts with an anchor rower – […]
Archive | January, 2015
Indoor Rowing – a fab workout!
Right first of all, you need to have your cross trainers on.. but my shoes got wet last night, in a tropical flash flood sort of rain, so you catch my drift. Plus I wasn’t going to let wet shoes stand in the way of me getting a workout. Indoors no less, and no thanks […]
3 Easy Exercises to Slimmer Thighs !
How to have gorgeous thighs so you can flaunt that bikini body… Some are blessed with great genetics. And some are not. Well, even if you don’t have the skinniest of thighs, you can still have to most toned ones in town. Here are our 3 easy and most effective exercises to slimmer thighs! Plie […]
Garden to Table Private Dining
Pretty excited about this new place we went to for lunch. Known as Garden to Table, and run by a lady called CY, this spot is located in a single-storey bungalow in Section 14, Petaling Jaya. The place is lovely with a garden growing more than a hundred types of edible and decorative plants. CY is […]
Banish Arm Jiggle!
My mom used to call it, the “bye bye” arms. Why because when you wave, even your triceps wave bye bye, thanks to the loose skin on the underside of your arm, that’s far from toned. Well have no fear, here are 5 simple exercises, to help you banish arm jiggle for good! My 5 […]
Top ways to Burn Calories in a Day!
2015 has got to be the year, YOU and the entire family if possible, start making some changes, towards a healthier life style. Enough of being a couch potato.. and of babying kids around on their butts, in air conditioned cars. Just get up and WALK! Here are 3 practical ways to burn Calories in […]
5 Great Reasons to Run on Holiday, into the New Year!
I never forget to pack my running gear when on holiday. It might mean an extra pair of shoes, and gym wear, but it is totally worth it, and I will tell you why in a minute… Here are 5 Great Reasons to Run on Holiday, into the New Year! 1. You see more of […]
I heart Banana Hearts
One of the tasty things to eat in Yangon, as a part of Myanmar diet, is the banana heart. Usually these are eaten with rice, as a vegetable side dish, and the nutritional value is amazingly high. Walking around Yangon markets, we were fascinated with this pseudostem. 100g of banana flower has the following nutrition […]