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Archive | December, 2014

Do compression socks work?

Well that’s a question I have been asking as well. You see, I used to be more of a bare-bones kinda runner, who found anything longer or more restrictive than shorts and ankles socks, well, restrictive and way to hot for this weather. So one day, I decided to try them out for myself. True […]

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Tighten up with Tricep Dips

Let’s talk about my favourite body weight exercise, and how it can be done effectively to give you great arms. The best thing about this work out is that you can virtually do it anywhere, and at anytime. The Tricep Dip.   1. Make sure you start with your hands shoulder-width apart on a secured […]

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5 Benefits of Snorkeling!

When on an island holiday, even if we can’t dive, we make it a point to snorkel.. Why? Because there are many health benefits in snorkeling, and they are: 1. Low impact on Joints For those who are overweight, snorkeling is a wonderful alternative to running as the water supports your weight, thus putting less […]

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