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Archive | December, 2013


Composure in a time of Thyroid upheaval

Today’s Guestpost comes from my buddy Naomi… she is one tough cookie, and we can learn a thing or two, from this resilient woman!  A bad case of the flu, a swollen protruding neck & an ultrasound later, it was determined that I had a tumor on my thyroid gland and it was 6 x […]

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10 Fitness Myths

1. If I Lift Weights I’ll Get Big and Horrible looking Muscle is more dense than fat. So if you add weights training to the mix, chances are you are building muscle, shaving off fat, and you will take up less space in your clothes than before. It is pointless just going by the scales […]

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Chromium & Exercise

One of the supplements that has garnered a lot of interest in the fitness and body building world, would be Chromium. Because chromium supplements are purported to increase lean body mass (LBM) and decrease body fat during resistance training, it sounds like the prefect addition to one’s fitness regime. But does Chromium really do everything […]

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What’s the buzz regarding Krill Oil ?

So lately, I’ve been hearing a lot of buzz regarding Krill Oil. It is an alternative for Omega-3 with some touted benefits over Fish Oils, such as, better bioavailability, rich in Astaxanthins, doesn’t have the fishy aftertaste when you belch and has high sustainability (as it is at the bottom of the food chain). So […]

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Sexy Salad Days!

Do you ever reminisce back to the days in high school, were you were an energetic, nubile 110 pound hottie, who got all the stares when walking down the street? Now, 2 kids along , you’re tipping the scales at 159 pounds, and heading north. Many of your conversations are about slimming centers, and weight management […]

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Power, Speed & Agility!

If you’re going for maximum results, in the shortest time possible, here is an insanely difficult routine that will give you the cuts and body of a greek god/goddess.. (Follow us on Instagram for Inspiration and Short workout tips that are FUN and EASY to do!  Instagram : @cikipedia) Day 1: Power Bent Over Row – […]

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