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Archive | October, 2013

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How to Shop for Supplements

The most important question to ask is.. “Why do I need this supplement?” and “Is it suitable for me?” Think about what you normally eat (your preferred diet) and what it may be lacking. Remember, the word supplement means just that, a product meant to supplement your food. A well chosen supplement can be beneficial […]

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Strategies for including dairy products, in Lactose Intolerant Individuals

“With the exception of a rare inherited disorder in which infants are born without lactase, infants have sufficiently high levels of lactase for normal digestion. However, lactase activity declines with weaning, and the degree of lactose intolerance is different amongst different ethnic groups. Lactose maldigestion is usually worse amongst Asians. In Caucasians and Europeans, lactose […]

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The Spotlight on Phytochemicals

When she feels down, Lin takes the herbal St. John’s wort to help pull her out of the doldrums. Whenever she has the option, Serine chooses calcium-fortified foods. Pete swears by creatine in his muscle-building regime. Jim tries a new energy bar with added ginkgo biloba, hoping it will improve his memory. Others in search […]

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Going Green

Going Green.. not something people talk about much these days. I remember Going Green (and Global Warming) was such a buzz word/topic, about 10 years ago. So what’s changed? A lot. And unfortunately, for the worse, I’d say. Our food choices, which include production, transport, processing, packaging, storage, and preparation, may be a significant contributor to […]

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7 essential cool-down stretches

Cool down is the post important, as you need to tell you body, now is time to stop pushing. But at the same time, cooling down after your workout may help gradually reduce the temperature of your muscles, especially if you’ve had an intense workout. Don’t skip the cool-down. Here are seven stretches you can […]

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Potty over Planking !

I’ve always been gaga over planks (or variations of it) and planking, because it really gives you that final, extra burn, after a workout. The plank is also easy to do, and you don’t need much space. It’s great for the core, balance and strength. It tones your arms, legs, butt and abs, and I […]

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