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Archive | February, 2012

abs smootie

Best Abs Breakfast

Since we are on the topic of Abs this week, here’s one for breakfast, which will not make you break a sweat! The Ultimate, Abs Diet, Power Smoothie Serves 2 1 cup skimmed milk/low fat milk 2 tablespoons low-fat vanilla yogurt 3/4 cup instant oatmeal, microwaved in water 1 cup of cubed mangos 2 teaspoons […]

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v up

Best Exercises for a Six Pack

The elusive six pack! How to be the envy of all your mates? It takes hard work and a lot of dedication for sure.. but there is one more secret. Cardio is key. You need to run for at least 40 minutes, and then start on these top 7 core strengthening exercises to build your six pack. […]

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How to Start Running

Running is too hard! I’ve heard so many people say that. But still, they want to try to do it as a form of exercise, and so they ask me how on earth can they make it easier. Where do they start? You should ease into your running program gradually. The idea is to transform […]

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Top 12 Diet Myths

Ever had someone tell you something about your food that got you thinking.. “no, this can’t be right” ? Need to lose weight but not sure what to believe in the magazines? Before you give up the late night munching and go on a no-fat detox frenzy to kick your sluggish metabolism into shape, read […]

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40 minute Sexy Butt Workout

A shapely bottom is a sight to behold. If you’ve ever heard of or tried your hand at the Brazil Butt Lift, then you will know what I am talking about. Usually it is only seen on a few super hot women you know, or read about in the magazines. Well not anymore! Are you ready to […]

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10 Unhealthy Habits to Stop

Unhealthy habits .. we all have them. Some are less serious than others. On the one of the spectrum, it’s something small that you refuse to give up. On the other end of the spectrum, some unhealthy habits could severely damage your health. So what can you do to kick the smoking habit or the […]

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A vaccine to cure breast cancer

Was just listening to the health podcast on BFM the other day, and one of the topics aired ended up mentioning a vaccine to cure breast cancer. This totally peaked my curiosity. If this is true then we have the cure for breast cancer within our grasp – which presents hope for so many women out […]

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